Golden Youth Basketball Association (GYBA) provides basketball opportunities for boys and girls in the Golden area. The availability of gym space and volunteer coaches are the primary factors determining the number of teams GYBA can form. 

GYBA's goal is to create teams for boys and girls in grades 3 through 8 that participate in the Jefferson County Youth Basketball Conference (JPS) or the Gold Crown Youth Development Basketball League (GC-Development). Typically, each grade level will have two (2) to four (4) boys' teams and two (2) to four (4) girls' teams. However, the number of teams may vary based on available gym space, volunteer coach commitments, the number of returning teams, and player registrations.


Team/Coach Registration: Coaches interested in coaching (Head or Assistant Coach) during GYBA Winter Basketball Season must register through the GYBA website ( and complete a Coaching Application. 

GYBA will review and either accept or deny coaching requests. Denial of a coaching application is rare and typically reserved for cases of coach misconduct or repeated complaints. Note: Potential coaches must complete all required training before being formally assigned to a team. Coaching applicants must specify and include the following information with their application:

    • Team Structure: Boys/Girls; Grade Level; Anticipated "Level of Play" (GC Development, JPS Bronze, JPS Silver, or JPS Gold
    • Roster: Players returning from the previous season's roster (returning GYBA coaches from the previous season or coaches coming from another organization); New player roster requests, if any. 
    • Coaches: Additional members of your coaching staff (co-head coach, assistant coach, team manager)

Player Registration: Parents must also indicate the player's previous experience (year(s) played and which leagues, local organization and/or club team) to assist GYBA with roster placement when applicable. Further, parents may also indicate their team/coach and/or buddy requests, but there are no guarantees that these requests will be fulfilled.


Registration Reconciliation: After registration, GYBA will review all Team/Coach & Player Registrations and form teams using the Team/Coach Priority & Player Priority lists below, in addition to any coach/roster/buddy/team requests collected during registration.

Team/Coach Priority: The priority for team/coach assignment is as follows:

    • Priority #1: Returning teams with the same core group of coaches and players.
    • Priority #2: Returning teams with the same core group of players but a new coaching staff.
    • Priority #3: Newly created teams with a new core of players and new coaching staff. 

Registered Player Priority: GYBA's ability to form teams and offer roster spots is limited by the number of qualified volunteer coaches and available gym space. Until assigned to a roster, registered players will be considered "waitlisted”. The priority order below will be used to move players from the waitlist to a roster.

    • Priority #1: Players identified by their coach as part of a roster. New GYBA players in this category should either reside within the Golden High School Feeder Area or currently attend a school within this area.
    • Priority #2: Returning players (e.g., who played for a GYBA team in the previous season) that remain un-rostered after Priority #1 above is considered. Players in this category should either reside within the Golden High School Feeder Area or currently attend a school within this area.
    • Priority #3: Players who did not play for a GYBA team in the previous season but live within the Golden High School Feeder Area or currently attend a school within this area. 
    • Priority #4: Players who did not play for a GYBA team in the previous season, live outside the Golden High School Feeder Area and do not currently attend a school within this area. 
    • Priority #5: Players who registered late.

Note: The tiebreaker for each priority category is the registration date.

Roster Assignment: Players are assigned to rosters using a combination of Registered Player Priority (i.e., player priority to get on any roster) and coach requests. When there is demand for a specific roster spot (e.g., an open spot on a Silver/Gold team or an open spot on a highly desired coach's roster), the rostering decision ultimately lies with the coach, assuming the Registered Player Priority is respected.

Roster Limits: Rosters are typically between eight (8) and ten (10) players unless otherwise approved by the League. This policy ensures that all participants have a fair opportunity to play while balancing available resources.


Player Transfer: Players who played for a GYBA team during the previous Winter season but (1) desire to play for a different GYBA team for the upcoming season or (2) are identified by their coach as a candidate to transfer to a different ”level of play”, even though their previous season team is continuing, will be considered "transfers". Transfers will only be approved after obtaining the parent's consent, the previous coach's consent, and the coach's consent of the new team they want to join. Further, the League will assist in resolving any disagreements if they arise.

Note: The primary purpose of this rule is to allow players the opportunity to play for a team at a higher or lower level of play that better matches their skill set. This rule is expected to be rarely utilized.

De-Rostering Players: In infrequent circumstances, a coach may request to de-roster a player from their returning team (e.g., a player who played with the coach the previous season, but the coach does not wish to have on their roster for the upcoming season). This can only be requested in cases of behavioral or disciplinary issues with the player (or the player's parents/guardians) and never due to basketball skill or experience. Matters related to basketball skills or experience should be addressed through the transfer process (see above). De-rostering requires League approval.